c# - How to filter "Include" entities in entity framework? -
public class room { public room() { this.reservations = new hashset<reservation>(); } public int id { get; set; } public decimal rate { get; set; } public int hotelid { get; set; } public virtual hotel hotel { get; set; } public virtual icollection<reservation> reservations { get; set; } } public class hotel { public hotel() { this.rooms = new hashset<room>(); } public int id { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public virtual icollection<room> rooms { get; set; } } public class reservation { public int id { get; set; } public datetime startdate { get; set; } public datetime enddate { get; set; } public string contactname { get; set; } public int roomid { get; set; } public virtual room room { get; set; } } public class executivesuite : room { } public class datacontext : dbcontext { public dbset<hotel> hotels { get; set; } public dbset<reservation> reservations { get; set; } public dbset<room> rooms { get; set; } protected override void onmodelcreating(dbmodelbuilder modelbuilder) { modelbuilder.entity<room>() .haskey(r => r.id) .hasrequired(r => r.hotel) .withmany(r => r.rooms) .hasforeignkey(r => r.hotelid); modelbuilder.entity<hotel>() .haskey(h => h.id); modelbuilder.entity<room>() .hasmany(r => r.reservations) .withrequired(r => r.room) .hasforeignkey(r => r.roomid); } }
the client code(console app):
static void main(string[] args) { // initialize , seed database using (var context = new datacontext()) { var hotel = new hotel { name = "grand seasons hotel" }; var r101 = new room { rate = 79.95m, hotel = hotel }; var es201 = new executivesuite { rate = 179.95m, hotel = hotel }; var es301 = new executivesuite { rate = 299.95m, hotel = hotel }; var res1 = new reservation { startdate = datetime.parse("3/12/2010"), enddate = datetime.parse("3/14/2010"), contactname = "roberta jones", room = es301 }; var res2 = new reservation { startdate = datetime.parse("1/18/2010"), enddate = datetime.parse("1/28/2010"), contactname = "bill meyers", room = es301 }; var res3 = new reservation { startdate = datetime.parse("2/5/2010"), enddate = datetime.parse("2/6/2010"), contactname = "robin rosen", room = r101 }; es301.reservations.add(res1); es301.reservations.add(res2); r101.reservations.add(res3); hotel.rooms.add(r101); hotel.rooms.add(es201); hotel.rooms.add(es301); context.hotels.add(hotel); context.savechanges(); } using (var context = new datacontext()) { context.configuration.lazyloadingenabled = false; // assume have instance of hotel var hotel = context.hotels.first(); // explicit loading load() provides opportunity filter related data // obtained include() method context.entry(hotel) .collection(x => x.rooms) .query() .include(y => y.reservations) .where(y => y executivesuite && y.reservations.any()) .load(); console.writeline("executive suites {0} reservations", hotel.name); foreach (var room in hotel.rooms) { console.writeline("\nexecutive suite {0} {1} per night", room.id, room.rate.tostring("c")); console.writeline("current reservations are:"); foreach (var res in room.reservations.orderby(r => r.startdate)) { console.writeline("\t{0} thru {1} ({2})", res.startdate.toshortdatestring(), res.enddate.toshortdatestring(), res.contactname); } } } console.writeline("press <enter> continue..."); console.readline(); } using ( var context = new datacontext() ) { //context.configuration.lazyloadingenabled = false; // assume have instance of hotel var hotel = context.hotels.first(); var rooms = context.rooms.include( r => r.reservations ).where( r => r executivesuite && r.reservations.any() ).where( r => r.hotel.id == hotel.id ); console.writeline( "executive suites {0} reservations", hotel.name ); foreach ( var room in hotel.rooms ) { console.writeline( "\nexecutive suite {0} {1} per night", room.id, room.rate.tostring( "c" ) ); console.writeline( "current reservations are:" ); foreach ( var res in room.reservations.orderby( r => r.startdate ) ) { console.writeline( "\t{0} thru {1} ({2})", res.startdate.toshortdatestring(), res.enddate.toshortdatestring(), res.contactname ); } } }
i tried projecting , putting in anonymous object:
var hotel = context.hotels.select(h => new { id = h.id, name = h.name, rooms = h.rooms.where(r => r.reservations executivesuite && r.reservations.any()) }).first();
but exception: "dbisofexpression requires expression argument polymorphic result type compatible type argument."
now, if notice, implemented in 2 different ways, first explicitly loading related entities, second having 2 different queries, question be, there way can load object graph , filter entities "include" single trip database?
there 2 way filter include entity.
- using projection (see @eldho answer)
- using third party library
disclaimer: i'm owner of project entity framework plus
the ef+ query includefilter allow filter included entities.
context.entry(hotel) .collection(x => x.rooms) .query() .includefilter(y => y.reservations .where(z => z executivesuite && z.reservations.any()) .load();
under hood, library projection.
wiki: ef+ query include filter
edit: answer subquestion
you did it. rooms included , filtered, didn't include reservations.
var hotel = context.hotels // include executive suite reservation .includefilter(x => x.rooms.where(y => y executivesuite && y.reservations.any())) // include reservation executive suite .includefilter(x => x.rooms.where(y => y executivesuite).select(z => z.reservations)) .first();
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