jquery - Angular2 - Binding of datepicker -

how chosen date of input , put tag <p>.

i'm using jqueryui datepicker, tried binding trying capture change , click events, did not work.

can me?

import "rxjs/rx"; import {component, afterviewinit} '@angular/core';  declare var $: any;  @component({     selector: '<my-evento></my-evento>',     template: `<input (change)="updatedate($event)" type="text" id="datepicker">                <p>{{ date }}</p>` })  export class eventocomponent implements afterviewinit{     date: string;      constructor(){}      ngafterviewinit() {        $(function() {             $("#datepicker").datepicker();         });     }      updatedate($event): void {         this.date = $event.target.value;     } } 

when bind model this:

<input [(ngmodel)]="date" type="date" id="datepicker"> 

does compiler tell format has in yyyy-dd-mm format?

if so, may need use custom directive or bind date field date pipe this:

<input [ngmodel]="date | date:'y-mm-dd'" (ngmodelchange)="date=$event" type="date" id="datepicker"> 


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