Xamarin iOS : Facebook logout issue -

i using xamarin.facebook.ios sdk (v facebook login.

current scenario: in app, once user logs in through facebook credentials , logs out, can hit login , authenticated.

expected scenario: once user logs in through facebook credentials , logs out, if wants login again, needs enter facebook , password once again.

right log out using following code:

nshttpcookiestorage storage = nshttpcookiestorage.sharedstorage;             foreach (nshttpcookie cookie in storage.cookies)              {                 if(cookie.domain == ".facebook.com")                 {                     storage.deletecookie(cookie);                 }         } 

but doesn't work. right now, expected result have to:

  1. sign out , close app, open safari , clear history.
  2. sign out , close app, open safari -> goto facebook website ( won't ask credentials has when logged in our app) , logout.

clearly, not best way desired result. can please advise me better approach ??

also, there way set expiry date facebook access token way set expiry date current date time , let user enter credentials again next time login.

thank you.

i upgraded iphone ios 10.1.1 , logout work correctly.


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