i using xcode 8.0 , swift 3 development environment. designing storyboard below, don't know why image in tableviewcell shown on runtime not on storyboard.
does have clue?
looks bug. try changing device 6s plus or else in view as: option in storyboard. might trick.
i've got angular2 reactive form . created formcontrol s , assigned input fields by [formcontrol]=... . understand creates nativeelement <-> formcontrol link. my question: possible nativeelement formcontrol ? wanna myformcontrol.nativeelement.focus() i can share 1 terrible solution works me. in reactive forms can use either 1) formcontroldirective ts mycontrol = new formcontrol('') template <input type="text" [formcontrol]="mycontrol"> or 2) formcontrolname ts myform: formgroup; constructor(private fb: formbuilder) {} ngoninit() { this.myform = this.fb.group({ foo: '' }); } template <form [formgroup]="myform"> <input type="text" formcontrolname="foo"> </form> so these directives write patch like 1) formcontroldirective const originformcontrolngonchanges = formcontroldirective.prototype.ngonchanges; formcontroldirective.proto...
i have object , b. when click on object b, rotates object b (a faces b). b doesn't face a. need following : when faces b, need face opposite direction. have code rotating @ b. how rotate face opposite direction after that? vector3 targetdirection = target - transform.position; float step = speed * time.deltatime; vector3 newdirection = vector3.rotatetowards (turretdome.transform.forward, targetdirection, step, 0.0f); turretdome.transform.rotation = quaternion.lookrotation (newdirection); you object facing object b, want inverse direction of object after that? objecta.transform.rotation = quaternion.inverse(objecta.transform.rotation) but lets assume example turretdome object a, (negate direction): turretdome.transform.rotation = quaternion.lookrotation (-newdirection); naturally, both of these snippets not show how smoothen rotation, seem know how use time.deltatime. just incase unsure, quaternion.lerp this
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