PHP OOP - private variable accessible from outside class with var_dump? -

i have class user variable: private $upass;

i noticed when creating instance of user , run var_dump on instance lists private variables? there way turn off?

class user {     private $uid;     private $uname;     private $upass;     private $upowers;  $teammembers[$count] = new user();  foreach ($teammembers $teammember) {     var_dump($teammember); } 

and output shows everything, including passwords ... ofcourse they're encrypted, still don't want them accessible this!?

what's correct way solve this?

it's doing says does:

all public, private , protected properties of objects returned in output unless object implements __debuginfo() method (implemented in php 5.6.0).

so can implement custom __debuginfo method, or alternatively, stop worrying it. security risk if has access source code, or serialized copy of object, both of signs of wider security issue.


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