Setting up Laravel Homestead with existing project - Laravel commands not recognized -

i setting homestead on mac.

i have made sure settings right on storage folder. have installed composer on vagrant box. if navigate /home/vagrant/code code there.

here yaml file:

folders: - map: ~/sites/myapp/   to: /home/vagrant/code  sites: - map:   to: /home/vagrant/code/public 

the output standard "something went wrong"

the console log shows 500 error failure load resource.

am doing wrong?

i want see errors, .env file turn on?

do need touch homestead.yaml file on vagrant?

what level of structure "folders" portion of yaml file need set to? folder level houses entire laravel application? public folder?

is there full explanation somewhere of parameters involved in setting up? - postgres database?

update :

echoing out "here" in index.php function worked, using dd() produced error - call undefined function dd().

it appears vagrant machine not recognizing laravel commands. suggestions?

second update:

well, got working. how? not sure. .env file misnamed .env.example changed that, didn't seem anything. added homestead composer file - mentioned in forums no in install docs - , nothing seemed happen. then, started working. frustrating.


you should try restart vagrantbox --provision flag , see if helps.

if not, try changing app_debug true in .env if haven't see if kind of stack-trace can further.

otherwise should try placing dd() och log in public/index.php see how far it's running , if can locate what's failing way.


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