angular2 forms - angular 2 : after submitting data the validation is fire -

i not using form tag in html code data clear , route injected validation fire after make submit , new

<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-8">    <input type="text" [disabled]="!iseditable" class="form-control" id="field-1" name="field1"  pattern = "^[0-9]*$" placeholder="" maxlength="30" required [(ngmodel)]="country.countrycode" #field1 = ngmodel>        <div class="alert alert-danger" [hidden]="  (field1.valid || field1.pristine)">             <ul>                  <li> in vlaid name </li>               <li [hidden]="errordata.errordetails?.countrycode==null">{{errordata.errordetails?.countrycode}}</li>     </ul>        </div>  </div> 

if ( == 0 || == undefined) { // add         this.dataservice.add("country/save", any) => {             if (status.success == false) {              } else if (saveaction == 'savenew') {                           = {};             } else if (saveaction == 'saveback') {                  this.router.navigate(['/comm/country']);             }         }); 

<section *ngif="active"> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-8"> <input type="text" [disabled]="!iseditable" class="form-control"   id="field-1" name="field1"  pattern = "^[0-9]*$" placeholder="" maxlength="30" required [(ngmodel)]="country.countrycode" #field1 = ngmodel>    <div class="alert alert-danger" [hidden]="  (field1.valid || field1.pristine)">         <ul>              <li> in vlaid name </li>           <li [hidden]="errordata.errordetails?.countrycode==null">{{errordata.errordetails?.countrycode}}</li> </ul>    </div> </div> = false;                 settimeout(() => = true, 0); 


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