angularjs - JavaScript/Angular borrowing a function and appending parameters -

lets have service function takes static param , second custom param varies based on controller injected in. want controller/view call service function without having write custom method in controller pass custom parameter. i'm not sure if technique involves currying, call, bind, or apply.

.service('examplesvc', function() { = function(param, controller) {     console.debug(param, controller);   } })  .controller('firstctrl', function($scope, examplesvc) {   $ =; // magic happens here    // avoid writing below   $ = function() {'param', 'firstctrl');   } });  .controller('secondctrl', function($scope, examplesvc) {   $ =; // magic happens here    // avoid writing below   $ = function() {'param', 'secondctrl');   } }); 

as understand need use service in view, easiest set $scope variable service:


so every method service can called directly view, without creating special $scope methods.

if needed 1 method, , need change paramater then:

$ = function(){,'param', 'firstctrl'); }; 

i created anonymous functiom calling our call ( second call builded in prototype method calling functions ) method desirable parameters.

but if service different on every usage better approach return in service constructor. can use new keyword every time , have new object of service.

//service code

return function(controller){    this.controller=controller;    //here methods ...  }; 

//controller code

$scope.service=new service("controllername"); 

so in approach can have different objects of service every usage, go around of singleton service tipical. try show example of approach:

var app=angular.module("app",[]);    app.controller("cont1",function($scope,person){      $scope.p=new person("tom","hanks");      });    app.controller("cont2",function($scope,person){      $scope.p=new person("will","smith");       });    //our service returns constructor  app.service("person",function(){      return function(name,surname){  ;      this.surname=surname;                  this.getname=function(){              return;              };            this.getsurname=function(){              return this.surname;      };          };      });
<script src=""></script>  <div ng-app="app">        <div ng-controller="cont1">            <span> person is: <b>{{p.getname()}} {{p.getsurname()}}</b></span>    </div>          <div ng-controller="cont2">        <span> person is: <b>{{p.getname()}} {{p.getsurname()}}</b></span>    </div>            </div>  

so can use our service in different way creating new objects. sending scope give possibility run configured object directly there.


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