ios - How to filter UITableviewcells that contains async downloaded images - Swift -

i have uitablview contains number of cells represent employees each.

and have uisearchbar filter list of employees, i'm storing employee data employee object has number of properties i'm filtering employees.

what couldn't filter employee photo because didn't save property in employee object , call function downloading image inside cellforrowatindexpath , that's can't use image again .

i need way save image later use .

this cellforrowatindexpath code :

    override   func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, cellforrowat indexpath: indexpath) -> uitableviewcell {     let cell = self.tableview.dequeuereusablecell(withidentifier: cellid, for: indexpath) as! employeecell      if self.issearching == true {      let emp = searchedemployees[(indexpath nsindexpath).row]         cell.empname.text = emp.getfistname() + " " + emp.getlastname()          cell.empposition.text = emp.getposition()          cell.status.text=emp.getstatus()          let myurlstring=emp.getphotourl()!         let myurl = myurlstring.addingpercentencoding( withallowedcharacters: characterset.urlqueryallowed)           cell.empphoto.downloadimagefrom(link: myurl!, contentmode: uiviewcontentmode.scaleaspectfit)     }     else{      let emp = employees[(indexpath nsindexpath).row]         cell.empname.text = emp.getfistname() + " " + emp.getlastname()          cell.empposition.text = emp.getposition()          cell.status.text=emp.getstatus()          let myurlstring=emp.getphotourl()!         let myurl = myurlstring.addingpercentencoding( withallowedcharacters: characterset.urlqueryallowed)           cell.empphoto.downloadimagefrom(link: myurl!, contentmode: uiviewcontentmode.scaleaspectfit)     }      return cell  } 

this downloading image function :

extension uiimageview { func downloadimagefrom(link:string, contentmode: uiviewcontentmode){      urlsession.shared.datatask( with: url(string:link)!, completionhandler: {         (data, response, error) -> void in         dispatchqueue.main.async {             self.contentmode = contentmode             if let data = data {                 self.image = uiimage(data: data)                 self.image = self.image?.circle                 self.image = self.image?.rounded             }         }     }).resume() } 


this searchbar function :

    func searchbar(_ searchbar: uisearchbar, textdidchange searchtext: string) {      if self.searchbar.text!.isempty {          // set searching false         self.issearching = false          // reload table view         self.tableview.reloaddata()      }else{          // set searghing true         self.issearching = true          // empty searching array         self.searchedemployees.removeall(keepingcapacity: false)          // find matching item , add searcing array         in 0..<self.employees.count {              let firstname : string = self.employees[i].getfistname()             let lastname : string = self.employees[i].getlastname()             let fullname : string = self.employees[i].getfistname()+" "+self.employees[i].getlastname()             if firstname.lowercased().range(of: self.searchbar.text!.lowercased()) != nil || lastname.lowercased().range(of: self.searchbar.text!.lowercased()) != nil || fullname.lowercased().range(of: self.searchbar.text!.lowercased()) != nil{                 self.searchedemployees.append(self.employees[i])             }          }          self.tableview.reloaddata()     }  } 

i think way getting images wrong because in case need save images later use , i'm not couldn't find way async download image after loading save in array or something.

any ?

consider using sdwebimage library downloads , caches images not downloaded every time cellforrowatindexpath called , solve problem.

just use


in cellforrowatindexpath.

hope helps.


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