javascript - jest trying to parse .css -

i have problem jest in no matters keeps trying parse css files javascript.

the files build webpack.

i have following configuration jest

"jest": {     "rootdir": "./src",     "modulenamemapper": {       "^.*[.](css|css)$": "../jest/stylemock.js"     }   }, 

i tried script preprocessor strip css imports:

 "jest": {     "rootdir": "./src",     "scriptpreprocessor": "../node_modules/jest-css-modules"   }, 

it keeps throwing error.

({"object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,global,jest){.button {                                                                                              ^     syntaxerror: unexpected token . 

the best solution use modulenamemapper line in jest config, described in jest docs.

a minimal "ignore css" jest config, in package.json, might this

  "jest": {     "modulenamemapper": { "\\.(css|less)$": "<rootdir>/assets/css/__mocks__/stylemock.js" }   }, 

then stylemock.js this

module.exports = {}; 


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