i've got angular2 reactive form . created formcontrol s , assigned input fields by [formcontrol]=... . understand creates nativeelement <-> formcontrol link. my question: possible nativeelement formcontrol ? wanna myformcontrol.nativeelement.focus() i can share 1 terrible solution works me. in reactive forms can use either 1) formcontroldirective ts mycontrol = new formcontrol('') template <input type="text" [formcontrol]="mycontrol"> or 2) formcontrolname ts myform: formgroup; constructor(private fb: formbuilder) {} ngoninit() { this.myform = this.fb.group({ foo: '' }); } template <form [formgroup]="myform"> <input type="text" formcontrolname="foo"> </form> so these directives write patch like 1) formcontroldirective const originformcontrolngonchanges = formcontroldirective.prototype.ngonchanges; formcontroldirective.proto...
i have object , b. when click on object b, rotates object b (a faces b). b doesn't face a. need following : when faces b, need face opposite direction. have code rotating @ b. how rotate face opposite direction after that? vector3 targetdirection = target - transform.position; float step = speed * time.deltatime; vector3 newdirection = vector3.rotatetowards (turretdome.transform.forward, targetdirection, step, 0.0f); turretdome.transform.rotation = quaternion.lookrotation (newdirection); you object facing object b, want inverse direction of object after that? objecta.transform.rotation = quaternion.inverse(objecta.transform.rotation) but lets assume example turretdome object a, (negate direction): turretdome.transform.rotation = quaternion.lookrotation (-newdirection); naturally, both of these snippets not show how smoothen rotation, seem know how use time.deltatime. just incase unsure, quaternion.lerp this
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