vsts - Visual Studio Team Services (VSO) Jasmine testcase code coverage -

we using jasmine testing framework executing via karma test runner. works fine in local, in team services (previously vso), while try execute test cases, test cases executed code coverage empty after enabling throwing following error

    phantomjs 2.1.1 (windows 8 0.0.0): executed 139 of 139 success (1.389 secs / 1.41 secs)     total: 139 success      finished 'test' after 1.05 min     c:\program files\nodejs\npm.cmd install istanbul     npm warn optional skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents:     npm warn notsup not compatible operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.0.14     npm warn paalar@1.0.0 no description     npm warn paalar@1.0.0 no repository field.     c:\program files\nodejs\node.exe ./node_modules/istanbul/lib/cli.js cover --report cobertura --report html -i .\src\*.ts ./node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js jasmine_config_path=node_modules/jasmine/lib/examples/jasmine.json **/*specs.ts     started     no specs found     finished in 0.001 seconds     no coverage information collected, exit without writing coverage information     starting 'publish-codecoverage' cmdlet...     fetched buildid '656'.     system.argumentexception: file 'c:\a\1\s\coverage\cobertura-coverage.xml' not exist or not accessible.     @ microsoft.teamfoundation.distributedtask.task.codecoverage.summaryreader.readsummaryfile(string summaryxmllocation)     @ microsoft.teamfoundation.distributedtask.task.codecoverage.coberturasummaryreader.getcodecoveragesummary(string summaryxmllocation)     @ microsoft.teamfoundation.distributedtask.task.codecoverage.publishcodecoveragecmd.trygenerateandpublishcodecoveragesummary()     @ microsoft.teamfoundation.distributedtask.task.codecoverage.publishcodecoveragecmd.processrecord() 

build definition code coverage

enter image description here

based on error message: no specs found.

you specified **/*specs.ts, first, need check whether correct, secondly, can check working directory in advanced section.

enter image description here


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