ios - Swift 3: Can not convert value of type 'int' to expected argument type 'DispatchQueue.GlobalQueuePriority' -

swift 3.0: receiving error can not convert value of type 'int' expected argument type 'dispatchqueue.globalqueuepriority' on creating dispatch async queue 0).async(execute: { () -> void in  }) 

warning, deprecated in ios 8, see below latest expects dispatchqueue.globalqueuepriority enum, is:

  • high
  • default
  • low
  • background

so in case, write: .background).async(execute: { () -> void in  }) 

if want lowest priority.

a quick check reveals, deprecated in ios 8.

latest solution: .background).async {  } 

which gives more options choose from:

  • background
  • utility
  • default
  • userinitiated
  • userinteractive
  • unspecified


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