email - MailChimp HTML Outlook Conditions -

i have spent of afternoon trying find solution problem.

i have html email template works fine on devices when viewing on outlook 2013 (the outlook version have access to test it) renders mobile device. think have tracked down outlook conditions have contained in code.

<!--[if (gte mso 9)|(ie)]> <table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="500"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="500"> <![endif]--> 

however when open email in outlook, have been changed to:

<!--/*sc*/ [if gte mso 9]> <center> <table><tr><td width="580"> <![endif] /*ec*/--> 

i guess stands sc = start comment , ec = end comment.

am right in saying these interfering outlook conditions? dose know how can stop mailchimp putting them in template?

i use code in templates , works fine outlook 97 until 2013. starting office365, comments being ignored, similar edge ignoring conditional ie tags in browser. don't make more fine-grained distinguishment of outlook versions, prefer compatible code works same/similar in old outlook versions.

<!--[if mso]><table ...><![endif]--> <div>code clients</div> <!--[if mso]></table><![endif]--> 

i don't use mailchimp myself, when importing test-wise, seems remain unchanged.


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