angular - Angular2 custom form control including textfield and error message -

i write custom form control including textfield , error message tooltip, works model-driven form.

at rc5, code following worked fine, @ 2.0, doesn't.

is there way establish relationship host formcontrol , child ngmodel, or access host formcontrol inner?

otherwise, there way realize idea?

i found way.

finally, code becomes this.

@component({   selector: 'custom-input',   template: `   <input type="text" [required]="required" [(ngmodel)]="value" #model="ngmodel"/>   <div>inner ngmodel errors: {{model.errors|json}}</div>   <div>ngcontrol errors: {{ngcontrol.errors|json}}</div>   `,   providers: [{     provide: ng_value_accessor,     useexisting: forwardref(() => custominput),     multi: true   }] }) export class custominput implements controlvalueaccessor, oninit {     private innervalue: = '';     private ngcontrol: ngcontrol;      @input() required: boolean;      private ontouchedcallback = () => {};     private onchangecallback = (_: any) => {};      constructor(private injector: injector) { }      ngoninit(): void {       this.ngcontrol = this.injector.get(ngcontrol);     }      value(): {         return this.innervalue;     };      set value(v: any) {         if (v !== this.innervalue) {             this.innervalue = v;             this.onchangecallback(v);         }     }      onblur() { this.ontouchedcallback() }      writevalue(value: any) {         if (value !== this.innervalue) {             this.innervalue = value;         }     }     registeronchange(fn: any) { this.onchangecallback = fn }     registerontouched(fn: any) { this.ontouchedcallback = fn } } 

the host ngcontrol can got injector, injector.get(ngcontrol). , ngcontrol has errors object want.


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