c - Nested strtok_r : command line argument parsing -

code here: http://ideone.com/aznxfm

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include<string.h>  int main() {     char *buffer;     size_t bufsize = 32;     size_t characters;      buffer = (char *)malloc(bufsize * sizeof(char));     if( buffer == null)     {         perror("unable allocate buffer");         exit(1);     }      printf("type something: ");     characters = getline(&buffer,&bufsize,stdin);     printf("%zu characters read.\n",characters);     printf("you typed: %s",buffer);       char *end_str,*token2;     char *token = strtok_r(buffer,";",&end_str);         printf("token : %s \n", token);     int count =0,wordcnt=0;     while(token !=null)     {         char *end_token;         count++;         printf("outside count ------------------------%d\n", count);         strtok_r(token," ",&end_token);         while(token2!=null)         {             wordcnt++;             printf("insdie count %d\n",wordcnt);             printf("%s------------------- \n", token2);             token2 = strtok_r(null," ",&end_token);         }         token = strtok_r(null, ";",&end_str);     }      return(0); } 


type something: rosie is; 22 characters read. typed: rosie is; token : rosie  outside count ------------------------1 insdie count 1 awava��auatl�% -------------------  insdie count 2 is-------------------  outside count ------------------------2 

a number of basic fixes needed or have been applied in code below:

  • let getline() memory allocation.
  • check getline() read line.
  • free memory allocated.
  • set token2 inner strtok_r() call.
  • make variable names bit more systematic.
  • make characters ssize_t match return getline().
  • print characters using %zd. marginally controversial; prints signed variant of size_t z-qualified signed decimal format string. makes sense (to me @ least , compiler — gcc 6.2.0 on macos sierra), i'm not sure find confirmation officially sanctioned (the posix) standards.
  • renaming variables consistency.
  • other minor cosmetic fixups (the print formatting still improved — quite lot).

leading to:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>  int main(void) {     char *buffer = 0;     size_t bufsize = 0;     ssize_t characters;      printf("type something: ");     characters = getline(&buffer, &bufsize, stdin);     printf("%zd characters read.\n", characters);     if (characters > 0)     {         printf("you typed: %s", buffer);          char *end_str1;         char *token1 = strtok_r(buffer, ";", &end_str1);         printf("token: %s \n", token1);         int count = 0, wordcnt = 0;         while (token1 != null)         {             char *end_str2;             count++;             printf("outside count ------------------------%d\n", count);             char *token2 = strtok_r(token1, " ", &end_str2);             while (token2 != null)             {                 wordcnt++;                 printf("inside count %d\n", wordcnt);                 printf("%s------------------- \n", token2);                 token2 = strtok_r(null, " ", &end_str2);             }             token1 = strtok_r(null, ";", &end_str1);         }     }     free(buffer);      return(0); } 

example run:

type something: rosie is; 22 characters read. typed: rosie is; token: rosie  outside count ------------------------1 inside count 1 rosie-------------------  inside count 2 is-------------------  outside count ------------------------2 inside count 3 really-------------------  inside count 4 -------------------  


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