visual studio - How to check IP Address changes in VB.NET? -

how detect live ip changes?


my ip without vpn:, whenever connect vpn ip changes question is: how detect ip has changed when form running?

i have tried:

private sub timer4_tick(sender object, e eventargs) handles timer4.tick     dim adapters networkinterface() = networkinterface.getallnetworkinterfaces()     addhandler networkchange.networkaddresschanged, addressof downloadip     dim n networkinterface     each n in adapters         timer4.stop()         msgbox("ip changed")               next n end sub 

try checking ip on external website

for example:

    public sub getexternalip()             try                     dim withevents ipbrowser new webbrowser                     ipbrowser.visible = false                     me.controls.add(ipbrowser)                     ipbrowser.navigate("")             catch                 label2.text = "failed external ip"             end try     end sub         'then, put onnavigatingevent         if ipbrowser.document.all("ip").getattribute("value") isnot nothing              myextip = ipbrowser.document.all("ip").getattribute("value")         else    "can't find ip")         end if 


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