javascript - Want to create a new instance of the component -

what want want create new ad should have title , desc user input when run code below create , [object object], , why showing object instead of ad please explain

var validatepost = react.createclass({     checkingpost: function() {        var product_title = document.forms["post"]["pro_title"].value;         var product_desc = document.forms["post"]["pro_desc"].value;          var clearform = document.forms["post"];            var returnad = <newad title={product_title} desc={product_desc} />               var newproduct = document.getelementbyid("newproduct");               newproduct.innerhtml += returnad;                 clearform.reset();              },         render: function(){         return(           <div>             <button type="button" classname="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">cancel</button>             <button type="button" classname="btn btn-primary btn-md" id="post-ads" onclick={this.checkingpost} data-dismiss="modal"><span classname="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>  post add                         </button>           </div>       );     } });      function ads(product) {         return(            <div classname = "col-sm-6 col-md-4">             <div classname = "thumbnail">             <img src={product.image} alt="product-image"/>             </div>             <div classname = "caption">             <div classname="border">                <h3>{product.title}</h3>                <p>{product.desc}</p>                    <button classname = "btn btn-primary" role = "button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#view-detail">view details                   </button>                     </div>                   </div>                   </div>                   );               }        function newad(product) {         return (             <div classname="row" id="newproduct">             <ads title="forza" desc="rndom text rndom text rndom text rndom text" image="img/img2.jpg" />             <ads title="playstation 4" desc="lorem ipsum jipsum lorem ipsum jipsum" image="img/img1.jpg"  />             <ads title="xbox one" desc="lorem ipsum jipsum lorem ipsum jipsum" image="img/img3.png"  />             <ads title="macbook" desc="lorem ipsum jipsum lorem ipsum jipsum" image="img/img4.jpg"  />             </div>           );     }      function postmodal() { return (     <form id="post-form" method="post" name="post">       <div classname="modal fade" id="addpostmodal" role="dialog">         <div classname="modal-dialog" role="document">           <div classname="modal-content" >             <div classname="modal-header" >               <button type="button" classname="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>               <h3 classname="modal-title" id="examplemodallabel">post add</h3>              </div>             <div classname="modal-body">                <span id="errorplace" >                </span>                                <div classname="form-group">                   <label htmlfor="product-title" classname="control-label">title:</label>                 <input type="text" placeholder="my book" classname="form-control field-validate" id="product-title" name="pro_title"/>               </div>               <div classname="form-group">                 <label htmlfor="product-desc" classname="control-label">description:</label>                 <textarea classname="form-control field-validate" placeholder="description here . . ." id="product-desc" name="pro_desc"></textarea>               </div>               <div classname="form-group">                 <label htmlfor="seller-name" classname="control-label">                   seller name:                    <i data-toggle="tooltip" title="this can or seller name." data-placement="right" classname="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></i>                 </label>                 <input type="text" placeholder="osama" classname="form-control field-validate" id="seller-name" name="sel_name"/>               </div>               <div classname="form-group">                 <label htmlfor="seller-email" classname="control-label">                   seller email:                   <i data-toggle="tooltip" title="this can or seller email through buyer can contact you" data-placement="right" classname="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></i>                 </label>                 <input type="email" placeholder="" classname="form-control field-validate" id="seller-email" name="sel_email"/>               </div>               <div classname="form-group">                 <label htmlfor="seller-number" classname="control-label">                   seller contact no:                   <i data-toggle="tooltip" title="this can or seller number through buyer can contact you" data-placement="right" classname="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></i>                 </label>                 <input type="number" placeholder="+92" classname="form-control field-validate" id="seller-number" name="sel_no"/>               </div>                 <div classname="form-group">                   <label htmlfor="price" classname="control-label">                     price:                     <i classname="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></i>                   </label>                   <input size="2" type="number" placeholder="66.00" classname="form-control field-validate" id="price" name="price"/>                 </div>               <div classname="form-group">                 <label htmlfor="seller-email" classname="control-label">                   product image:                   <i data-toggle="tooltip" title="upload picture of product" data-placement="right" classname="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></i>                 </label>                 <input type="file" onchange="imgupload(event, this)" id="product-image" />                 <div classname="img-wrap-up">                   <img id="img-view" src="" />                 </div>               </div>              <div id="error-place"></div>           </div>           <div classname="modal-footer">             <validatepost />           </div>         </div>       </div>     </div>    </form> 




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