php - Type error: Argument 1 passed to Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection::__construct() must be of the type array, object given -

actually... more or less know problem. i'm receiving error in particular controller try persist($object)...

actually i'm developing webapp me have register books i'm reading.. , use google books api that. so, have next entities:

  • admin
  • users
  • books
  • categories

i thinking db , wanted table user_id, book_id decided manytomany but, don't know if way.. or not. (because familiars going use it)

it has many users can have same book , user can have many books obviusly.

so, error i'm getting guess it's because i'm not implementing done manytomany... write below controller , entities

where users like:

/**  * @orm\entity  * @orm\table(name="users")  * @orm\entity(repositoryclass="usersrepository")  * @uniqueentity("username")  * @uniqueentity("email")  */ class users implements userinterface, \serializable {     /**      * @orm\column(type="integer")      * @orm\id      * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto")      */     private $id;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      * @assert\notblank()      */     private $name;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      * @assert\notblank()      */     private $lastname;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      * @assert\notblank()      */     private $username;      /**      * @orm\column(type="string", length=255, unique=true)      * @assert\notblank()      * @assert\email()      */     private $email;      /**      *      * @assert\length(max=4096)      */     private $plainpassword;      /**      *      * @orm\column(type="string", length=64)      */     private $password;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      * @assert\notblank()      */     private $language;      /**      * @orm\column(type="boolean")      */     private $isactive;       /*****************      * users constructor.      */     public function __construct() {         $this->language = 'es';         $this->isactive = true;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getid()     {         return $this->id;     }      /**      * @param mixed $id      */     public function setid($id)     {         $this->id = $id;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getname()     {         return $this->name;     }      /**      * @param mixed $name      */     public function setname($name)     {         $this->name = $name;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getlastname()     {         return $this->lastname;     }      /**      * @param mixed $lastname      */     public function setlastname($lastname)     {         $this->lastname = $lastname;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getusername()     {         return $this->username;     }      /**      * @param mixed $username      */     public function setusername($username)     {         $this->username = $username;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getemail()     {         return $this->email;     }      /**      * @param mixed $email      */     public function setemail($email)     {         $this->email = $email;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getplainpassword()     {         return $this->plainpassword;     }      /**      * @param mixed $plainpassword      */     public function setplainpassword($plainpassword)     {         $this->plainpassword = $plainpassword;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getpassword()     {         return $this->password;     }      /**      * @param mixed $password      */     public function setpassword($password)     {         $this->password = $password;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getlanguage()     {         return $this->language;     }      /**      * @param mixed $language      */     public function setlanguage($language)     {         $this->language = $language;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getisactive()     {         return $this->isactive;     }      /**      * @param mixed $isactive      */     public function setisactive($isactive)     {         $this->isactive = $isactive;     }      //implementaciones de la interface      public function getsalt()     {         // *may* need real salt depending on encoder         // see section on salt below         return null;     }      public function getroles()     {         return array('role_user');     }      public function erasecredentials()     {     }      /** @see \serializable::serialize() */     public function serialize()     {         return serialize(array(             $this->id,             $this->username,             $this->password,             $this->isactive,         ));     }      /** @see \serializable::unserialize() */     public function unserialize($serialized)     {         list (             $this->id,             $this->username,             $this->password,             $this->isactive,             ) = unserialize($serialized);     } } 

and books like:

/**  * @orm\entity  * @orm\table(name="book")  * @orm\entity(repositoryclass="bookrepository")  */ class book {     /**      * @orm\column(type="integer")      * @orm\id      * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto")      */     private $id;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      * @assert\notblank()      */     private $title;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      * @assert\notblank()      */     private $author;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      */     private $language;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      * @assert\notblank()      */     private $genre;      /**      * @orm\column(type="integer")      * @assert\notblank()      */     private $price;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      */     private $pages;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      * @assert\notblank()      */     private $synopsis;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text", nullable=true)      */     private $rate;      /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      */     private $id_google;      /**      * @orm\manytomany(targetentity="users", mappedby="books")      */     private $users;        /*****************      * book constructor.      */     public function __construct() {         $this->users    = new arraycollection();     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getid()     {         return $this->id;     }      /**      * @param mixed $id      */     public function setid($id)     {         $this->id = $id;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function gettitle()     {         return $this->title;     }      /**      * @param mixed $title      */     public function settitle($title)     {         $this->title = $title;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getauthor()     {         return $this->author;     }      /**      * @param mixed $author      */     public function setauthor($author)     {         $this->author = $author;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getlanguage()     {         return $this->language;     }      /**      * @param mixed $language      */     public function setlanguage($language)     {         $this->language = $language;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getgenre()     {         return $this->genre;     }      /**      * @param mixed $genre      */     public function setgenre($genre)     {         $this->genre = $genre;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getprice()     {         return $this->price;     }      /**      * @param mixed $price      */     public function setprice($price)     {         $this->price = $price;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getpages()     {         return $this->pages;     }      /**      * @param mixed $pages      */     public function setpages($pages)     {         $this->pages = $pages;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getsynopsis()     {         return $this->synopsis;     }      /**      * @param mixed $synopsis      */     public function setsynopsis($synopsis)     {         $this->synopsis = $synopsis;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getrate()     {         return $this->rate;     }      /**      * @param mixed $rate      */     public function setrate($rate)     {         $this->rate = $rate;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getidgoogle()     {         return $this->id_google;     }      /**      * @param mixed $id_google      */     public function setidgoogle($id_google)     {         $this->id_google = $id_google;     }      /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getusers()     {         return $this->users;     }      /**      * @param mixed $users      */     public function setusers(users $users = null)     {         $this->users = $users;     }      /**      * add user      *      * @param \appbundle\entity\users $user      *      * @return book      */     public function adduser(users $user)     {         $this->users[] = $user;          return $this;     }      /**      * remove user      *      * @param \appbundle\entity\users $user      */     public function removeuser(users $user)     {         $this->users->removeelement($user);     } } 


class librarycontroller extends basecontroller {     private $apikey = "&key=" . "aizasyan638wbye1vofgya989p7zbfxnpzblfkg";     /**      * @route ("/libreria", name="libreria")      */     public function getlibreria(){          $securitycontext = $this->container->get('security.authorization_checker');         if ($securitycontext->isgranted('is_authenticated_remembered')) {             $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();              $user = $this->get('security.token_storage')->gettoken()->getuser();              $this->adddata('user', $user);             return $this->render('appbundle:libreria:libreria.html.twig', $this->getdata());         }          return $this->redirect("login");     }      /**      * adds library requested book      * @route ("/libreria/addbook/{id_google}", name="addbook")      */     public function addbook($id_google){          $securitycontext = $this->container->get('security.authorization_checker');         if ($securitycontext->isgranted('is_authenticated_remembered')) {             $em   = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();              $user = $this->get('security.token_storage')->gettoken()->getuser();              $infobook   = $this->getbookfromapi($id_google); // cogemos toda la información del libro en cuestión             $vinfo      = $infobook['volumeinfo']; // para ahorrarnos código y usar este subarray de manera practica             $book       = new book();               /**              * hacemos los seters pertinentes para poner el contenido en el libro              * y dejarlo listo para poder hacer un flush              */             $book->settitle($vinfo['title']);             $book->setauthor($vinfo['authors'][0]);             $book->setlanguage($vinfo['language']);             $book->setgenre($vinfo['categories'][0]);             $book->setprice($infobook['saleinfo']['retailprice']['amount']);             $book->setpages($vinfo['printedpagecount']);             $book->setsynopsis($vinfo['description']);              if($vinfo['averagerating']){                 $book->setrate($vinfo['averagerating']);             }              $book->setidgoogle($id_google);             $book->setusers($user);              // guardamos el libro en la bbdd             $em->persist($book);             $em->flush();              $this->sendresponsestatus('ok');              // generamos los datos para la respuesta ajax             return new jsonresponse($this->getdata());         }          return $this->redirect("login");     }       // coge la información de un libro gracias su id     public function getbookfromapi($id){         // instancia del buzzbundle para peticiones http externas         $buzz = $this->container->get('buzz');          // resultado de la peticion http 'get'         $responseapi = $buzz->get(''.$id);         $jsonlibro = $responseapi->getcontent();          return $this->transformarstringtoarray($jsonlibro);     }       // se usa para hacer que el string devuelto por la api de google sea un array     public function transformarstringtoarray($string){         $stringdecoded = json_decode($string);         $array = json_decode(json_encode($stringdecoded), true);          return $array;      } } 

so, error appears guess when try persist db because there bad implemented...

any clue or solution?

thanks everyone! have nice day!


no $book->setusers($user); $book->adduser($user);

and, in general, method setusers not valid

public function setusers(users $users = null) {     $this->users = $users; } 

you must not redefine property after being initialized in constructor. can add or remove elements it, assigning new value break doctrine's functionality.


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