VBA Multiple Word Tables to Excel - No Tables in Document -
i exported of tables large word document few months ago, computer went , lost vba had used...note ++ decided disappear , take files it.
so, have looked several different options out there pull tables word file excel.
every 1 try says there no tables in word file. have tried multiple files, same thing.
the other change in environment upgraded windows 10.
i have racked brain , cannot figure out why not seeing tables?
i can copy tables different word file:
sub copytables() dim source document dim target document dim tbl table dim tr range set source = activedocument set target = documents.add each tbl in source.tables set tr = target.range tr.collapse wdcollapseend tr.formattedtext = tbl.range.formattedtext tr.collapse wdcollapseend tr.text = vbcrlf next end sub
and can find table number in word file:
sub findtablenumber() dim j integer dim itablenum integer dim otbl table selection.bookmarks.add ("tempbm") j = 1 activedocument.tables.count set otbl = activedocument.tables(j) otbl.select if selection.bookmarks.exists("tempbm") itablenum = j exit end if next j activedocument.bookmarks("tempbm").select activedocument.bookmarks("tempbm").delete msgbox "the current table table " & itablenum end sub
this example of vba have tried, , received no tables in document:
option explicit sub importwordtable() dim wddoc object dim wdfilename variant dim tableno integer 'table number in word dim irow long 'row index in excel dim icol integer 'column index in excel dim resultrow long dim tablestart integer dim tabletot integer on error resume next activesheet.range("a:az").clearcontents wdfilename = application.getopenfilename("word files (*.docx),*.docx", , _ "browse file containing table imported") if wdfilename = false exit sub '(user cancelled import file browser) set wddoc = getobject(wdfilename) 'open word file wddoc tableno = wddoc.tables.count tabletot = wddoc.tables.count if tableno = 0 msgbox "this document contains no tables", _ vbexclamation, "import word table" elseif tableno > 1 tableno = inputbox("this word document contains " & tableno & " tables." & vbcrlf & _ "enter table start from", "import word table", "1") end if resultrow = 4 tablestart = 1 tabletot .tables(tablestart) 'copy cell contents word table cells excel cells irow = 1 .rows.count icol = 1 .columns.count cells(resultrow, icol) = worksheetfunction.clean(.cell (irow, icol).range.text) next icol resultrow = resultrow + 1 next irow end resultrow = resultrow + 1 next tablestart end end sub
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