date - Symfony convert to user's timezone in controller or twig -

i store in database dates of time datetime on mysql on utc time. i'm using symfony 2.4.5 (yes old).

i retrieve dates controller normal sql query propel. since not want query user timezone time database save in session user's timezone '{'timezone'=> 'europe/paris'}.

should convert dates retrieved db in controller or in twig ?

// in controller $dictionarythathaveotherdata = ... $datefromdbinutc = userquery::create()->... $datefromdbinutc->settimezone(new datetimezone($this->get('session')->get('timezone'))); $dictionarythathaveotherdata['dateforsomething'] = $datefromdbinutc; // in twig {{ dateforsomething | date('theformatiwant') }} 

or instead convert in twig:

// in controller $dictionarythathaveotherdata = ... $datefromdbinutc = userquery::create()->...     $dictionarythathaveotherdata['dateforsomething'] = $datefromdbinutc; // in twig {{ dateforsomething | date('theformatiwant', app.session.timezone) }} 

i guess better in controller view shall care showing data in desired format , not involves many things thinking if date in timezone or not.

what if view needs comparisons between dates, better in utc or user timezone ? make difference ?

edit since answer darkbee:

first tried in twig view:

  • date('h:i:s',
  • date('h:i:s', app.session.get('timezone'))
  • date('h:i:s')
  • date('h:i:s', 'europe/paris')
  • date('h:i:s', 'asia/shanghai')
  • date('h:i:s', false)

    send view utc timezone

  • 19:00:00

  • 19:00:00
  • 11:00:00
  • 13:00:00
  • 19:00:00
  • 11:00:00

    send view shanghai timezone

  • 19:00:00

  • 19:00:00
  • 11:00:00
  • 13:00:00
  • 19:00:00
  • 19:00:00

    in controller : $this->get('twig')->getextension('core')->settimezone('europe/paris');

  • 19:00:00

  • 19:00:00
  • 13:00:00
  • 13:00:00
  • 19:00:00
  • 11:00:00

    in controller: $this->get('twig')->getextension('core')->settimezone($this->get('session')->get('timezone'));

  • 19:00:00

  • 19:00:00
  • 19:00:00
  • 13:00:00
  • 19:00:00
  • 11:00:00

    in controller , date shanghai timezone : $this->get('twig')->getextension('core')->settimezone('europe/paris');

  • 19:00:00

  • 19:00:00
  • 13:00:00
  • 13:00:00
  • 19:00:00
  • 19:00:00

so yes see 'date('h:i:s')' time when set twig timezone

thank you, guess managed make work i'm not sure if , not have problems multi-users (i not know how symfony works multi-thread or multi-request different users) @ same time do:


i tried 2 browsers fetching different pages , setting new timezone each different user logged in. works , not override other user's timezone. thought because changes default timezone twig core removed line modify timezone, after user logged in , has set value, reloaded page , set utc.

does mean global variables 1 request ?

i not used symfony2 handling requests , how works variables , cache.

i looked many solutions: example example2 example3

my code:

class twigdaterequestlistener {     protected $twig;     private $context;      function __construct(\twig_environment $twig, securitycontext $context)     {         $this->twig = $twig;         $this->context = $context;     }      public function onkernelrequest(getresponseevent $event)     {         $user = $this->context->gettoken()->getuser();         if ($user != 'anon.') {             $user = saasuserquery::create()->findpk($user->getid());             $this->twig->getextension('core')->settimezone($user->gettimezone()->getzone());         } else {             $this->twig->getextension('core')->settimezone('europe/paris');         }     } } 

then in view need write 'date('h:i:s')', , user's timezone , if not logged in on paris timezone.

is good? not sure multi-request different users @ same time. example:

important: 1 user make request in controller action method (the timezone has been set), second user make request has different timezone first user. both controller make call render , view rendered , returned users.

precisely here, happens ? both dates in respective timezone or first user dates in second user timezone ?

i go third method can reduce lot of code. can set default timezone date filter in twig

$twig = new twig_environment($loader); $twig->getextension('core')->settimezone('europe/paris'); 


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