dojo - Dijit Form isValid returns false while validate returns true after destroying a descendant -

i'm having strange problem form done dijit 1.11. in case form has couple of dijit/layout/contentpane in it, , form tabcontainer. before submitting , based on couple of rules delete of panes, calling destroyrecursive in it. thing is, form still not submit.

checking bit further, validate() method returns true isvalid returns false, , reason submit not fire. checking isvalid method, found _descedents property of form not cleaned of widgets recursively destroyed when destroyed child pane. of theses widgets have state incomplete, makes isvalid return false (although validate returns true).

what going on , how can fix this?

i try post jsfiddle latter better explanation of bug, solution need call form connectchildren() method after destroying contentpane, recreates _descendants array, making isvalid function check existing elements
