How to change eZPlatform Backoffice SiteAccess? -

i'm new ezplatform , have been thrown in project involving migration ez legacy ez platform. 1 problem i've bumped siteaccess , images.

example: users have custom images defined in var directory, let's var/news. unfortunately backoffice uses default siteaccess , don't find way modify without trigger redirect /ez#login /login page.

i noticed can't change backoffice siteaccess in demo platform too.

so wondering either if there's way achieve purpose or there's documentation address such subject?

just clear, have 1 var directory per site access, issue right? /ez use default one, have problem.

i think there no simple way manage use case right now, think possible 2.x (ask in slack)

one complex solution put in 1 var directory , replace in db different paths... :(

(or wait 2.x)


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