What are iOS iPad launchpad image resolutions? -

this so post gives image resolutions , device types xcode launchpad image.xcassettes iphones. corresponding information ipads?

google friend. apple has list device sizes here https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/graphics/launch-screen/

full table:

            uilaunchimages = {             {  --iphone 4 portait                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "7.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "portrait",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{320, 480}"             },             {  --iphone 4 landscapeleft                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "7.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscapeleft",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{320, 480}"             },             {  --iphone 4 landscaperight                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "7.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscaperight",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{320, 480}"             },             {  --iphone 5 portait                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "7.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-568h",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "portrait",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{320, 568}"             },             {  --iphone 5 landscapeleft                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "7.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-568h",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscapeleft",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{320, 568}"             },             {  --iphone 5  landscaperight                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "7.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-568h",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscaperight",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{320, 568}"             },             { -- ipad / ipad retina                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "7.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-portrait",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "portrait",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{768, 1024}"              },              { -- ipad / ipad retina                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "7.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-landscape",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscapeleft",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{768, 1024}"              },             { -- ipad / ipad retina                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "7.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-landscape",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscaperight",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{768, 1024}"              },              {  --iphone 6 portrait                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "8.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-667h",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "portrait",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{375, 667}"             },             {  --iphone 6 landscapeleft                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "8.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-667h",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscapeleft",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{375, 667}"             },             {  --iphone 6 landscaperight                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "8.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-667h",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscaperight",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{375, 667}"             },             { -- iphone 6 plus portrait                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "8.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-736h",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "portrait",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{414, 736}"             },             { -- iphone 6 plus landscape left                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "8.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-landscape-736h",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscapeleft",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{414, 736}"             },             { -- iphone 6 plus landscape right                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "8.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-landscape-736h",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscaperight",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{414, 736}"             },             { -- ipad pro portrait                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "9.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-portrait-1336",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "portrait",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{1024, 1366}"             },             { -- ipad pro landscape right                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "9.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-landscape-1336",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscaperight",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{1024, 1366}"             },             { -- ipad pro landscape left                 ["uilaunchimageminimumosversion"] = "9.0",                 ["uilaunchimagename"] = "default-landscape-1336",                 ["uilaunchimageorientation"] = "landscapeleft",                 ["uilaunchimagesize"] = "{1024, 1366}"             },         }, 


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