xcode - ionic Cordova Failed recording audio on IOS using Media plugin -

i'm working on ionic app , need record audio files , used cordova-plugin-media , worked fine android when tried on ios error :

{"message":"failed start recording using avaudiorecorder","code":1}

here code :

var extension = '.wav'; var name = 'filename'; var audio = null; var filepath;  $scope.startrecording = function() {   name = utils.generatefilename();   if(device.platform == "ios")   {      //var path = "documents://";      //var path = cordova.file.documentsdirectory;      //var path = cordova.file.cachedirectory;      var path = cordova.file.datadirectory;      path = path.replace("file:///", "cdvfile://");    }   else if(device.platform == "android")   {     var path = cordova.file.externalapplicationstoragedirectory;   }   var filename = name + extension;   filepath = path + filename;   audio = new media(filepath, function(e){console.log(e, "success media");},function(e){console.log(e, "error");});     audio.startrecord();    };    $scope.sendaudiomsg = function() {      audio.stoprecord();      audio.release();   }; 

when console log path :


can 1 me??

try following android.

var path = "android/data/"+your_app_id+"/files/"+filename+".wav";  var mymedia = new media(path, success, error); mymedia.startrecord(); 

to access file after done recording

var path = cordova.file.externalapplicationstoragedirectory+"files/"+filename+".wav"; var mymedia1 = new media(path, success, error); mymedia1.play(); 

your_app_id com.test.app

ios, see following

var filename = "myrec.wav"; var mymedia = new media(path, success, error); mymedia.startrecord(); 

to access file

window.requestfilesystem(localfilesystem.temporary, 0, function (filesystem){             filesystem.root.getfile(filename, null, function (fileentry){                 fileentry.file(function onfileentry(file){                     // file actual recorded file, path , play or base64 string                     var reader = new filereader();                     reader.onloadend = function(evt) {                         evt.target.result; // base64 string                     };                     reader.readasdataurl(file);                 }, error);             }, error);         }, error); 


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