Can we deploy an mvc 4 app to docker with windows container? -

all demo saw lately oriented core (i not sure how it's stable , functional, didn't contain features), windows server 2016 support containers (and docker), should able deploy mvc 4.0 app ?


you can use microsoft/windowsservercore or microsoft/iis base image, install full , run 'legacy' .net apps in containers on windows. can windows 10 , server 2016 tp5, rtm (expected next week @ ignite) should more stable.

i've shown dockerizing old nerd dinner showcase app. end docker image that's 3gb won't benefits of having small, efficient image - can run app in container, , that's starting point breaking down monoliths.

for reference, dockerfile compiled app looks like:

from microsoft/iis  run ["powershell.exe", "install-windowsfeature net-framework-45-aspnet"] run ["powershell.exe", "install-windowsfeature web-asp-net45"]  add web-app/ c:\\web-app  expose 8081  run powershell new-website -name 'web-app' -port 8081 -physicalpath 'c:\web-app' -applicationpool '.net v4.5'  entrypoint powershell 


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