json - Android List View load more items when scroll to bottom and add footer loading view -

i using list view custom rows each item has 2 images , text field.

when user scroll bottom:

  • i want load more data web-service .

  • add loader in list view footer.

currently doing in way

listview.setonscrolllistener(new abslistview.onscrolllistener() {         @override         public void onscrollstatechanged(abslistview view, int scrollstate) {          }          @override         public void onscroll(abslistview view, int firstvisibleitem, int visibleitemcount, int totalitemcount) {             if (postadapter == null)                 return;             if (postadapter.getcount() == 0)                 return;             int l = visibleitemcount + firstvisibleitem;             if (l >= totalitemcount && !refreshlayout.isrefreshing()) {                  listview.addfooterview(footer);                  dataifinternet(0);             }         } 

what do: when user scroll bottom , part of last item comes visible

  • it start loading data.

  • add footer view.

but there problems don't want these :

  • it keep doing until last item visible.

  • since adding , removing footer view call notifydatasetchanged() reset list data , make images blink setting them again , again.

images blinking

i need solve these issues:

  • overcome images blink on reset. , somehow reset data without blink.
  • not load data when last item little visible, instead of want reload data when scroll @ last y-axis point, when no area remains scroll (not 1 pixel).


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