php - GLPI plugins not working on virtual host (Apache) -

i've installed glpi on ubuntu 14.04 server running latest version of apache2. works fine until create virtual host run glpi. i'm able log in, once try hit of plugins,

[thu sep 22 10:57:42.016046 2016] [authz_core:error] [pid 11162] [client] ah01630: client denied server configuration: /var/www/html/glpi/plugins/consumables/consumables.js, referer: 

i've verified through multiple channels permissions on folders correct, , directives set in .conf file:

<virtualhost _default_:80>          documentroot /var/www/html/glpi/          serveradmin webmaster@localhost          errorlog /var/log/apache2/error.log          customlog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined          <directory "/var/www/html/glpi/">                     options followsymlinks                     allowoverride                     require granted          </directory>          servername </virtualhost> 

i'm banging head here (and i've read articles issue). advice welcome.


your configuration correct but... using "allowoverride all" means, .htaccess file inside directory under documentroot override settings. set allowoverride none or check .htaccess files, virtualhost looks correct can override showing us.

even more /front not defined anywhere in configuration show, there must alias or somewhere points /front not showing either.

i noted url in access log , 1 in virtualhost servername directive, make sure configuring/checking correct virtualhost also.


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