ios - Firebase Authentication Error Handling -

not sure if somewhere already, couldn't find made it. hope provides someone. steps have follow:

step #1 put guard statement after try login

step #2 call fireerrorhandle function

that's , enjoy!

guard let error = autherrorcode(rawvalue: (error?._code)!) else {                     return } fireerrorhandle(code: error)  func fireerrorhandle(code: autherrorcode) {     switch code {     case .invalidcustomtoken:         print("indicates validation error custom token")     case .customtokenmismatch:         print("indicates service account , api key belong different projects")     case .invalidcredential:         print("indicates idp token or requesturi invalid")     case .userdisabled:         print("indicates user's account disabled on server")     case .operationnotallowed:         print("indicates administrator disabled sign in specified identity provider")     case .emailalreadyinuse:         print("indicates email used attempt sign in use.")     case .invalidemail:         print("indicates email invalid")     case .wrongpassword:         print("indicates user attempted sign in wrong password")     case .toomanyrequests:         print("indicates many requests made server method")     case .usernotfound:         print("indicates user account not found")     case .accountexistswithdifferentcredential:         print("indicates account linking required")     case .requiresrecentlogin:         print("indicates user has attemped change email or password more 5 minutes after signing in")     case .provideralreadylinked:         print("indicates attempt link provider account linked")     case .nosuchprovider:         print("indicates attempt unlink provider not linked")     case .invalidusertoken:         print("indicates user's saved auth credential invalid, user needs sign in again")     case .networkerror:         print("indicates network error occurred (such timeout, interrupted connection, or unreachable host). these types of errors recoverable retry. @cnsunderlyingerror field in @c nserror.userinfo dictionary contain error encountered")     case .usertokenexpired:         print("indicates saved token has expired, example, user may have changed account password on device. user needs sign in again on device made request")     case .invalidapikey:         print("indicates invalid api key supplied in request")     case .usermismatch:         print("indicates attempt made reauthenticate user not current user")     case .credentialalreadyinuse:         print("indicates attempt link credential has been linked different firebase account")     case .weakpassword:         print("indicates attempt set password considered weak")     case .appnotauthorized:         print("indicates app not authorized use firebase authentication provided api key")     case .keychainerror:         print("indicates error occurred while attempting access keychain")     default:         print("indicates internal error occurred")     } } 


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