javascript - Angular 1.xx and Firebase : Adding Subfolder or multidimensional array -

i new angular , programming , making simple web app.

data structure in firebase in image

i able create topics , display them on firebase console, cannot add lists under each topic in data structure image. editing , deleting topics work well.


.controller('adminctrl', ['$scope', '$firebase', '$firebasearray', '$firebaseobject', '$routeparams', function($scope, $firebase, $firebasearray, $firebaseobject, $routeparams) {  $ = $;  var ref = firebase.database().ref().child('topics'); $scope.topics = $firebasearray(ref);  $scope.addtopic = function() {     $scope.topics.$add({         title: $scope.topic.title,         curator: $scope.topic.curator,      }); };  $scope.addlist = function(id) {     //i dont know how add lists under each topic element.  };  $scope.deletecnf = function(topic) {     $scope.deletetopic = topic; };  $scope.deletepost = function(deletetopic) {     $scope.topics.$remove(deletetopic); };   $scope.edittopic = function(id) {     var ref = firebase.database().ref().child('topics/' + id);     $scope.edittopicdata = $firebaseobject(ref); };  $scope.updatetopic = function(id) {     var ref = firebase.database().ref().child('topics/' + id);     ref.update({         title: $scope.edittopicdata.title,         curator: $scope.edittopicdata.curator     }).then(function(ref) {         $('#editmodal').modal('hide');     }, function(error) {         console.log(error);     }) }; }]); 



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