c# - Dot Net Entity Framework database update doesn't create tables in mysql database -

i'm using mysql database official connection provider. i'm trying next project example (asp.net core 1.0) on mac:

public class bloggingcontext : dbcontext {     public bloggingcontext(dbcontextoptions<bloggingcontext> options)         : base(options)     { }      public dbset<blog> blogs { get; set; }     public dbset<post> posts { get; set; } }  public class blog {     public int blogid { get; set; }     public string url { get; set; }      public list<post> posts { get; set; } }  public class post {     public int postid { get; set; }     public string title { get; set; }     public string content { get; set; }      public int blogid { get; set; }     public blog blog { get; set; } } 

and in startup.cs

    public void configureservices(iservicecollection services)     {         var connection = @"server=localhost;userid=efcore;port=3306;database=blogsfinal;sslmode=none;";         services.adddbcontext<bloggingcontext>(options => options.usemysql(connection));          // add framework services.         services.addmvc();     } 

in project.json add

"dependencies": {    ...      "mysql.data.entityframeworkcore": "7.0.5-ir21",      "microsoft.entityframeworkcore.tools": {       "version": "1.0.0-preview2-final",       "type": "build"     } } 


  "tools": {     ...,     "microsoft.aspnetcore.server.iisintegration.tools": "1.0.0-preview2-final"   }, 

when run dotnet ef migrations add v1, works fine , creates migration files, when execute dotnet ef database update database created tables not , throws output

system.notimplementedexception: method or operation not implemented.    @ mysql.data.entityframeworkcore.migrations.internal.mysqlhistoryrepository.get_existssql()    @ microsoft.entityframeworkcore.migrations.historyrepository.exists()    @ microsoft.entityframeworkcore.migrations.historyrepository.getappliedmigrations()    @ microsoft.entityframeworkcore.migrations.internal.migrator.migrate(string targetmigration)    @ microsoft.entityframeworkcore.design.migrationsoperations.updatedatabase(string targetmigration, string contexttype)    @ microsoft.entityframeworkcore.tools.cli.databaseupdatecommand.<>c__displayclass0_0.<configure>b__0()    @ microsoft.extensions.commandlineutils.commandlineapplication.execute(string[] args)    @ microsoft.entityframeworkcore.tools.cli.program.main(string[] args) method or operation not implemented. 

exceptions says it. official mysql provider oracle doesn't support migrations or scaffolding yet.

it create database on first execution of context.database.ensurecreated(). changes done after that, won't applied. have drop whole db , create new one, losing data.

say oracle ;)


with release of 7.0.6-ir31 package migrations work, scaffolding still doesn't.


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