docker - Kubernetes - Unknown admission plugin: DefaultStorageClass -

kubernetes api server not getting started due defaultstorageclass.

the connection server refused - did specify right host or port? (kubectl failed, retry 2 times)

ubuntu: 14.04.4

kubectl version

client version:{major:"1", minor:"2", gitversion:"v1.2.0", gitcommit:"5cb86ee022267586db386f62781338b0483733b3", gittreestate:"clean"}  server version:{major:"1", minor:"2", gitversion:"v1.2.0", gitcommit:"5cb86ee022267586db386f62781338b0483733b3", gittreestate:"clean"} 

docker info

docker info containers: 0  running: 0  paused: 0  stopped: 0 images: 0 server version: 1.10.3 storage driver: aufs  root dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs  backing filesystem: extfs  dirs: 0  dirperm1 supported: true execution driver: native-0.2 logging driver: json-file plugins:  volume: local  network: bridge null host kernel version: 4.2.0-27-generic operating system: ubuntu 14.04.4 lts ostype: linux architecture: x86_64 cpus: 8 total memory: 15.67 gib name: stage-kube01 id: 45t4:tf3n:vk4v:elg3:nza2:v5kj:n6we:w5rd:5f2q:rriz:zzj4:tbzp warning: no swap limit support 


mv: extensions/__internal i0922 17:30:27.725853 9012 genericapiserver.go:82] adding storage destination group batch

f0922 17:30:28.418600 9012 plugins.go:107] unknown admission plugin: defaultstorageclass

i0922 17:30:28.455859 9025 server.go:188] report public ip address.

i0922 17:30:28.455983 9025 plugins.go:71] no cloud provider specified.

i0922 17:30:28.456165 9025 server.go:112] constructing etcd storage interface. sv: v1 mv: __internal

i0922 17:30:28.456335 9025 genericapiserver.go:82] adding storage destination group

i0922 17:30:28.456382 9025 server.go:296] configuring extensions/v1beta1 storage destination

i0922 17:30:28.456411 9025 server.go:112] constructing etcd storage interface. sv: extensions/v1beta1

i having same issue.

i removed "defaultstorageclass" admission_control variable in ubuntu/, , able start cluster. however, haven't tested out make sure it's still working.


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