ios - Swift 3 - ">>>-" produces NSLayoutConstraint, not the expected contextual result type "Void" -

since swift 3 i'm getting error: ">>>-" produces nslayoutconstraint, not expected contextual result type "void" (aka "()") in project.

fileprivate func configuratecell(_ cell: basepagecollectioncell, backimage: uiimage?) {     cell.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false     view.addsubview(cell)  // add constraints [(nslayoutattribute.width, cell.bounds.size.width), (nslayoutattribute.height, cell.bounds.size.height)].foreach { info in   cell >>>- {     $0.attribute = info.0     $0.constant  = info.1   } }  [nslayoutattribute.centerx, .centery].foreach { attribute in   (view, cell) >>>- { $0.attribute = attribute } } cell.layoutifneeded()   } 


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