angular - Angular2 calling a function in a sibling component -
component a
i have form button should call service class. service returns extracted json result.
compare() { this.getresults(); } getresults() { this.resultservice.getresults() .subscribe( results => this.results = results, error => this.errormessage = <any>error); }
template of a:
<form (ngsubmit)="compare()" #compareform="ngform"> <div class="col-md-5"> <h1>disk forensics</h1> <div class="form-group"> <label for="resourcea">disk a</label> <select ngbdropdown class="form-control" id="resourcea" required [(ngmodel)]="resourcea" name="resourcea"> <option *ngfor="let r of disks" [value]="">{{}}</option> </select> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="resourceb">disk b</label> <select class="form-control" id="resourceb" required [(ngmodel)]="resourceb" name="resourceb"> <option *ngfor="let r of disks" [value]="">{{}}</option> </select> </div> <button type="button" (click)="compare()">compare</button> <div class="error" *ngif="errormessage">{{errormessage}}</div> </div> <h4>mode</h4> <div class="radio"> <label> <input type="radio" name="diffmode" id="diffmode1" value="diffmode1" checked> different </label> </div> <div class="radio"> <label> <input type="radio" name="diffmode" id="diffmode2" value="diffmode2"> identical </label> </div> <div class="radio"> <label> <input type="radio" name="diffmode" id="diffmode3" value="diffmode3"> left </label> </div> <div class="radio"> <label> <input type="radio" name="diffmode" id="diffmode4" value="diffmode4"> right </label> </div> </form>
service class
public getresults(): observable<result[]> { let body = json.stringify('{}'); var options:requestoptionsargs = { body: "{}" } return this.results = this.http.get(this.url, options) .map(this.extractdata) .catch(this.handleerror); }
component b
is display results service
<div class="col-md-12"> <h1>results:</h1> <div> <p *ngfor="let r of results; let i=index"> {{i + 1}}: {{r}} </p> </div> <div class="error" *ngif="errormessage">{{errormessage}}</div> </div>
import {component, oninit, input} '@angular/core'; import { result } "../models/result"; import {resultservice} "../services/result.service"; @component({ selector: 'diff-result', templateurl: './diff-result.component.html', styleurls: ['./diff-result.component.css'], providers: [resultservice] }) export class diffresultcomponent implements oninit { errormessage: string; constructor(private resultservice: resultservice) { } ngoninit() { this.getresults() } getresults() { this.resultservice.getresults() .subscribe( results => this.results = results, error => this.errormessage = <any>error); } }
what i'd trigger compare()-function service being called , result.html updated results.
since sibling component, assuming can't use viewchild-attributes.
many help
you can use public subject
in service.
component trigger comparison , component b consume result.
take @ plunker:
import {component, ngmodule, injectable} '@angular/core' import {browsermodule} '@angular/platform-browser' import {subject} 'rxjs/rx'; @injectable() export class myservice { public resultssubject = new subject<string>(); public getresults() {'data...'); } } @component({ selector: 'my-cmpa', template: ` <div> <h3>component a</h3> <button (click)="_srvc.getresults()">trigger service!</button> </div> `, }) export class acomp { constructor(private _srvc: myservice) { } } @component({ selector: 'my-cmpb', template: ` <div> <h3>component b</h3> <p> {{_results}} </p> </div> `, }) export class bcomp { _results = ''; constructor(private _srvc: myservice) { this._srvc.resultssubject.subscribe( res => this._results = res, err => console.log(err) ); } } @component({ selector: 'my-app', template: ` <div> <h2>hello {{name}}</h2> </div> <my-cmpa></my-cmpa> <my-cmpb></my-cmpb> `, }) export class app { name:string; constructor() { = 'angular2' } } @ngmodule({ imports: [ browsermodule ], declarations: [ app, acomp, bcomp ], providers: [myservice], bootstrap: [ app ] }) export class appmodule {}
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