excel - Google sheets - Get all cells in a sheet with A1 notation when the sheet's name conflicts with a cell -

using new v4 google sheets api, possible range of cells in spreadsheet when conflicts cell in a1 notation ?

for example, have sheet called a001.

  1. a001!a1:d3 - range a1-d3 sheet named a001
  2. some-other-sheet - cells sheet called "some-other-sheet"
  3. a001 - instead of getting cells sheet called a001, gets cell a1 first visible sheet.

so i'm asking case #3. possible range of a001 ? (not knowing range in advance of course)

unfortunately, parsing cell or named range take precedence on sheet name. can workaround choosing suitably large range , requesting that, e.g: a001!a:zzz -- request rows in column a through column zzz in sheet a001. response include last row/col data exists.


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