php - How to increase the performance of this function -
how increase performance of following function in phalcon
framework. there thousands of records in table. tried different ways, stuck point. how can increase efficiency , reduce execution time. following 2 methods:
public function currentmonthaction() { $payload = $this->request->getjsonrawbody(); $this->setdb(); $ticketsmodel = new tickets(); $fromcitycondition = ""; if( isset($payload->city->id) ) { $fromcitycondition = "and fromcity='{$payload->city->id}'"; } try{ $date = new \datetime($payload->date); $year = $date->format('y'); $month = $date->format('m'); $month = '08'; $daysinmonth = cal_days_in_month(cal_gregorian, $month, $year); /* result cities passenger */ $result = array(); // cities permutations $tmpcitiesdata = array(); $rawresultset = tickets::find ( array( 'columns' => 'fromcity,tocity', 'conditions' => "departure between '{$year}-{$month}-01' , '{$year}-{$month}-$daysinmonth' , tickettype in (1) ". $fromcitycondition, 'group' => 'fromcity,tocity' )); foreach ($rawresultset $rawresult) { $tmpcitiesdata[$rawresult->fromcity.'-'.$rawresult->tocity]['fromcity'] = $rawresult->fromcity; $tmpcitiesdata[$rawresult->fromcity.'-'.$rawresult->tocity]['tocity'] = $rawresult->tocity; } //var_dump($rawresultset); // tickets sold based on cities combinations $total = 0; foreach ($tmpcitiesdata $tmpcities) { $rawresultset = tickets::find ( array( 'columns' => 'customer', 'conditions' => "departure between '{$year}-{$month}-01' , '{$year}-{$month}-$daysinmonth' , tickettype in (1) , fromcity=". $tmpcities['fromcity']." , tocity=".$tmpcities['tocity'], 'group' => 'customer' )); $totalsoldraw = count($rawresultset); // ticket cancellations $rawresultset = tickets::find ( array( 'conditions' => "departure between '{$year}-{$month}-01' , '{$year}-{$month}-$daysinmonth' , tickettype in (3) , fromcity=". $tmpcities['fromcity']." , tocity=".$tmpcities['tocity'] )); //make sure cancellations tickets cancellations not booking cancellations foreach($rawresultset $rawresult) { $resultnumber = tickets::find("departure='$rawresult->departure' , seatno={$rawresult->seatno} , id < {$rawresult->id} , tickettype = 1" ); if( count($resultnumber) > 0 ){ $totalsoldraw = $totalsoldraw-1; } } $total += $totalsoldraw; array_push($result, array('total' => $totalsoldraw, 'fromcity' => cities::findfirstbyid($tmpcities['fromcity'])->name, 'tocity' => cities::findfirstbyid($tmpcities['tocity'])->name)); } //sort result based on counts arsort($result); //cut result max 6 cities $result = array_slice($result, 0, 6); $this->response->setcontenttype('application/json') ->setjsoncontent( array( 'totaltickets' => $total, "allcities" => $result ) ); $this->response->send(); return; } catch(\pdoexception $e) { $this->response->setstatuscode('422','invalid payload'); $this->response->setcontenttype('application/json') ->setjsoncontent(array( 'flash' => array( 'class' => 'danger', 'message' => $e->getmessage() ) )); $this->response->send(); return; } }
use count instead of count(result of find). sure in // ticket cancellations don't need group ? can select tickets customers in 1,3 tickettype , filter resultset.
also can't first $rawresulset
can't be:
$rawresultset = tickets::find ( array( 'columns' => 'customer,fromcity,tocity,tickettype ', 'conditions' => "departure between '{$year}-{$month}-01' , '{$year}-{$month}-$daysinmonth' , tickettype in (1,3)".$fromcitycondition 'group' => 'customer,fromcity,tocity' ));
$ticketcanccelations = $rawresultset->filter(function($row){ if($row->tickettype == 3) { return $row; } }); $resultnumber = tickets::count("departure='$rawresult->departure' , seatno={$rawresult->seatno} , id < {$rawresult->id} , tickettype = 1" );
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