symfony - Symfony2 Doctrine use wrong alias in SQL, login fails with "Authentication request could not be processed [...]" -

i trying make own user bundle, , struggling @ login phase, error message :

authentication request not processed due system problem.

i'm kinda new symfony , doing best learn many aspects possible, please forgive me if took wrong path in defining stuff.


i have 2 bundles, 1 app called scoreboardbundle, , 1 dedicated authenticating mechanic called pulsahr\userbundle. intend make bundle reusable in of projects.
user entity want use scoreboardbundle\entity\user, , inherits pulsahr\userbundle\entity\user, implements userinterface, \serializable.

log info

i looked dev.log, , found intriguing line :
[2016-09-22 14:16:19] authentication request failed. {"exception":"[object] (symfony\component\security\core\exception\authenticationserviceexception(code: 0): exception occurred while executing 'select id_2, t1.username username_3, t1.password password_4, t1.roles roles_5, email_6, t1.config config_7, name_8, t1.avatar avatar_9, t1.graph_color graph_color_10 from user t1 t0.username = ? limit 1' params [\"fdsfgsd\"]

i made mistake somewhere, doctrine looking t0.username without defining t0 alias. why ?

below several of files, hope help.
/src/pulsahr/userbundle/resources/config/doctrine/user.orm.yml :

pulsahr\userbundle\entity\user: type: entity table: user repositoryclass: pulsahr\userbundle\repository\userrepository id:     id:         type: integer         id: true         generator:             strategy: auto fields:     username:         type: string         length: 255         unique: true     password:         type: string         length: 255     roles:         type: array         nullable: true lifecyclecallbacks: {  } 

/src/scoreboardbundle/resources/config/doctrine/user.orm.yml :

scoreboardbundle\entity\user: type: entity table: user repositoryclass: scoreboardbundle\repository\userrepository fields:     email:         type: string         length: 255     config:         type: integer     name:         type: string         length: 127     avatar:         type: string         length: 255         nullable: true     graphcolor:         column: graph_color         type: string         length: 255   manytomany:     races:         targetentity: race         mappedby: users  onetomany:     scores:         targetentity: score         mappedby: user lifecyclecallbacks: { } 

/app/config/security.yml :

security: encoders:     scoreboardbundle\user:         algorithm: bcrypt         cost: 4  role_hierarchy:     role_raceadmin: role_user     role_admin: role_raceadmin     role_super_admin: [role_admin, role_allowed_to_switch]  providers:     pulsahr_userbundle:         entity:             class:    scoreboardbundle:user             property: username  firewalls:     dev:         pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/         security: false      pulsahr_user_security:         anonymous: true         form_login:             login_path: pulsahr_user_login             check_path: pulsahr_user_check         provider:  pulsahr_userbundle         logout:             path: pulsahr_user_logout             target: pulsahr_user_login         pattern: ^/         remember_me:             secret: '%secret%' access_control:     - { path: ^/admin, role: role_admin } 

i had manually enter user, , used bcrypt calculator password, using 4 cost, same defined in security.yml. whatever login , password used, have same error message.

after many struggles, friend helped me find solution.
problem caused inheritance on scoreboardbundle\user\entity\user pulsahr\userbundle\entity\user.
php classes fine, problem comes mapping. had specify in user.orm.yaml origin class type "mappedsuperclass". doing this:

pulsahr\userbundle\entity\user: type: mappedsuperclass table: user [...] 

more info on doctrine documentation :
hope people stuck me.


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